Map of Extrapolating Logarithmic Flow (ELF) Model 30-Day Low Streamflow Forecast

This map includes the following 3 layers: This map includes the following 3 layers: 1. ELF Model 30-Day Low Streamflow Forecast - Minimum (current view); 2. ELF Model 30-Day Low Streamflow Forecast - Average; and, 3. ELF Model 30-Day Low Streamflow Forecast - Maximum.
Instruction: 1. To select a different layer or show the legend, scroll down to the bottom of the map and click the layer or legend icon. Click other widget icons to start the widgets. 2. Click on a station to show station information, observed and forecast discharges and/or water levels and % of mean annual discharge (MAD) or water level (MAL). 3. Click "More info" on the pop-up information window to view the hydrographs of 30-day daily observed discharge/water level and 30-day forecast maximum/average/minimum low streamflow discharges/water levels for the station.

Click here to view the full screen map.

Colour Scheme for Percent of Mean Annual Discharge (MAD):


  1. Technical Reference for the ELF Model (3.0M PDF); A presentation: The ELF Model - An operational low flow forecasting system for British Columbia (7.1M PDF)
  2. British Columbia Drought Information Portal
  3. Map of 7-Day Average Streamflow
  4. Map of Current Streamflow Conditions for All Real-time Stations in BC
  5. Snow Conditions & Water Supply Bulletin
  6. Home of River Forecast Centre

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   The data provided by this web service is licensed under Open Government License - British Columbia.
   This web service is Copyright (c), Province of British Columbia. All rights reserved.
   The B.C. Map Hub and associated materials, including map applications ("Maps"), trade-marks and official marks (collectively, "Materials"), are owned or used under license by the Province of British Columbia ("Province") and are protected by copyright and trade-mark laws. Please see the Disclaimer for further details.
   The Province does not collect, use or disclose personal information through the ArcGIS Online website. Please be aware, however, that IP addresses are collected by Esri and are stored on Esri's servers located outside of Canada. For further information, including the purposes for which your IP address is collected, please see Esri's Privacy Policy. By accessing or using the B.C. Map Hub, you consent, effective as of the date of such access or use, to Esri storing and accessing your IP address outside of Canada for the purposes described in Esri's Privacy Policy. Should you have any questions about the collection of your IP address, please contact BCGov AGOL CONTACT at, PO BOX 9864 STN PROV GOVT, Victoria BC V8W 9T5.

Users should use the information on this map with caution and do so at their own risk.

  A. The observed discharge and water level data are daily averages calculated based on Water Survey of Canada's real-time hydrometric data (Disclaimer for Hydrometric Information), B.C. Real-time Water Data (Copyright statement), and USGS Real-time Water Data (USGS Policies and Notices) as they are. The data are provisional and subject to change. The mean annual discharge (MAD) and mean annual water level (MAL) are estimated based on the preliminary and limited data. They should be considered as reference values only. They should not be used for design or other purposes. Users of this data must accept all responsibility for the use and interpretation.
  B. The ELF Model is an empirical mathematical model without any climate data input. Therefore, the ELF Model forecasts are only the worst (lowest flow) scenarios without any rainfall during the forecast period. The model and data have limitations, inaccuracies and errors. As such, the forecast should only be treated as estimates, are provided for guidance only, and are subject to change. The actual discharges or water levels observed will be different from the forecasts. Users of this data must accept all responsibility for their use and interpretation.